Last Updated: May 31, 2024, 2:29 pm by TRUiC Team

Successful Mission Statement Page Design

Planning and publishing your business website can seem like quite an extensive process. Knowing what pages you need will help clarify the purpose of your site, which can vary from business to business.

This article will help you learn how to make a mission statement page, what content it should have, and how it can help achieve the goals of your website. We’ll also provide mission and vision statement examples to inspire you to create your own.

Are you building a website for a nonprofit or thinking of starting one? Be sure to read our How to Start a Nonprofit guide to learn more.

Person on computer looking at a websites mission statement.

Before You Begin

Knowing which website builder is a good fit for designing and launching your business site will help clarify not only how you’ll create your finished product, but also how you’ll craft your mission statement page. Check out our Best Website Builder review to get started.

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Along with this guide, check out these other helpful articles to learn what it takes to create a comprehensive business website and a stunning mission statement page using various website builders.

Understanding the Goal of Your Mission Statement Page

The first part of planning an engaging mission statement page for your business website involves having a general idea of what your business does and how and why it does so. You can then apply these goals to your mission statement page as well as your business and website as a whole. 

Once established, these goals will help you decide how to design your mission statement page. They’ll also help you determine how to measure the success of your website and business.

Identifying Your Mission Statement Page Goals

Having clear goals for your mission statement page will help you measure the overall effectiveness of your entire website. These page goals also are vital to the overall goals of your business. Check out our What Makes a Good Website guide for a detailed breakdown of how best to identify strategic goals for your business.

Once you know your business goals, it’s time to identify specific goals for your mission statement page. These typically vary from business to business so finding goals that fit your brand is the key to achieving measurable success.

Here are some good questions to ask yourself to help you identify your mission statement page goals:

  • What type of business do you have? This is the basis for your entire mission statement. Having a good understanding of your business will help you more effectively explain and demonstrate its purpose. Your mission statement also may change over time, so taking stock of your current situation is a great start with the knowledge that this can evolve in the future. If you’re a well-established restaurant, for example, your mission statement might explain how you got here and what your goals are moving forward. If you’re a brand-new nonprofit, your mission statement might focus more on the goals you aim to achieve and why they’re important.
  • What kind of goods or services do you provide? This is particularly key because it’s not only what you provide, but also how and why you do so. If you’re a local jewelry maker, for example, explain why the care you put into your craft is important. If you instead run a thriving small cleaning business because you found a niche need within your community, use this page to show that you provide a solution to a problem. This page should focus on the meaning behind what you do, your driving force for doing it, and your business’s connection to your larger community. Having a deep and honest knowledge of what you do and why will help you write your mission statement.
  • What kind of growth and engagement do you want? This takes you beyond your mission statement page, asking you to think about how you want visitors to continue to interact with your business. Do you have a newsletter to which you’d like them to subscribe? Or, perhaps following your business on social media platforms represents the best way people can interact with you. Think about how you’d like to continue to tell your story, and then use your mission statement page to guide and encourage others to follow along there.

Your answers to these questions will help you determine what type of mission statement page your business website needs. They’ll also help you focus on how to design this page to achieve your goals.

After answering these questions, it’s time to connect your mission statement page goals to a tangible way of measuring progress toward achieving them.

Using the right website builder for your business can make all the difference. Check out our Best Website Builder review to learn more.

Measuring Your Mission Statement Page’s Success

Having goals is a great start, but how will you know when you reach them? The best way to ensure you achieve your mission statement page goals involves making specific and measurable targets with tangible timelines and relevance.

  • Be Specific: A specific goal for your mission statement page might be to gain five new followers a day on social media by including links to your business’s social media feeds on this page.
  • Make It Measurable: A measurable goal could involve receiving 30 new donations a week by including a call to action (CTA) on your mission statement page that encourages people to support your nonprofit.
  • Make It Attainable: The trickiest part of creating goals is ensuring you can actually achieve them. But, don’t feel as if you need to limit yourself. If you have a particularly large goal, break it down into smaller, more achievable milestones. 
  • Stay Relevant: All of your mission statement page goals should help you achieve the goals of your website and business. Importantly, your mission statement page should align with your brand. If you’re a freelance artist, for example, this page isn’t the place to discuss your favorite coffee shop. Keep this page on-brand.
  • Ensure It’s Time-Based: Setting a deadline for specific goals provides a clear indicator of achievement. If you give yourself one month to collect 100 emails from a contact form on your mission statement page, you’ll know by the end of that month if you succeeded.

Once you have a set of specific mission statement goals with a timeline, it’s essential to ensure they tie back to the overall goals of your website and business.

Aligning Mission Statement Page and Business Goals

Now that you better understand the goals of your mission statement page, make sure they’re relevant to both your business and website. Refer to our What Makes a Good Website guide to create clear goals for your business site.

Set your business and website goals next to your mission statement page goals. These should overlap considerably because your mission statement should closely align with your business’s overall purpose. Do your mission statement page goals support the achievement of your overall business goals? Will your mission statement effectively help you attain your website goals? If your mission statement page goals seem to veer off in another direction, revise them to ensure they align with both your website and business goals.

Once you achieve harmony among your goals, it’s time to dive into what your mission statement page will need to successfully engage your target audience. We’ll discuss how your mission statement page’s content and design can help achieve this.

Determining Your Mission Statement Page’s Content and Design

While your mission statement page may not be the first thing visitors see when they arrive at your business website, it’s still an integral part of your site. Ensure it makes a good impression by providing a balance of information and creativity.

The structure of your mission statement page should include key details about your business as well as help visitors find other pages with ease. Adding other elements, such as sign-up sections and CTAs, also can help promote your mission statement page’s success.

Designing the Best Structure

A well-structured mission statement page will benefit your website overall. Keep your mission statement simple, yet action-oriented. At a glance, visitors should understand who you are, what you do, and why.

Ideally, you’ll provide easy routes to help visitors navigate from this page to where they want to go next. While important, your mission statement page likely isn’t the final destination for your visitors. The best structure for any page on your website should help visitors arrive at their desired location after no more than three clicks.

Some mission statement pages are longer than others, and some websites use them as a means of connecting visitors to their About Us page for more information. Make sure you structure your mission statement page in a way that provides a logical flow to guide visitors to their next destination on your site. 

For more information, check out our How To Structure a Website guide.

Creating Engaging Content

Providing a great user experience on your mission statement page also requires engaging content. The best way to create honest content that’ll keep visitors interested involves thinking about your target audience and the reasons why they might visit your site. 

A mission statement page can range from the very short to more long-form content. Typically, most mission statements provide a quick, action-oriented explanation of a company’s purpose. That’s why it’s vital to understand your business and its goals. This statement should summarize what your company provides, who you cater to, and why that’s important.

Clearly stating a problem and then providing your business as a solution is a great way to enhance your mission statement page. This can both tease at your business’s story and provide necessary information to keep this page engaging and cohesive. 

The content of this page should encourage visitors to want to learn more about your products or services. A brief peek into the journey that brought you here may help convince them to follow you on social media or purchase your products.

Including images that highlight who you are can provide another way to keep visitors interested. Showing your products in action or displaying your artwork can be a wonderful, visual way to connect with your target audience. Including customer reviews also can help you engage with site visitors because they can instill a sense of trust that, ultimately, will help you achieve your goals.

Aim for a personal, yet professional tone. Giving your visitors what they need to feel like they can trust you and your business is essential to creating engaging content that’ll convince them to become customers.

Incorporating Key Elements for Success

Beyond the essentials every good mission statement page needs to achieve its goals — like optimal structure and engaging content — you may want to include other key elements to meet your visitors’ needs. 

Here are several useful elements you can add to your mission statement page to promote its success:

  • Internal Links: These embedded links not only help visitors more easily navigate your website, but also communicate the exact information visitors need to know when clicking on them. For example, they can help visitors find your reviews page, your product page, or your FAQ page. Just ensure these links remain up to date.
  • Calls to Action: These commonly appear on buttons that invite site visitors to “Sign Up,” “Buy Now,” or take another action. CTAs can help you drive further engagement with your visitors, take them to another page of your website, or offer them a way to sign up for a membership or service.
  • Contact Forms: These forms enable visitors to sign up for newsletters, subscribe to a service, or simply send you a message. They also provide a great way to stay connected with your visitors and should always include a thank you message
  • A Letter From the Founder: This can add a great, personal touch to your mission statement page. These letters help provide more details about who you are and why you do what you do. They can prove especially helpful if you run a nonprofit or give part of your profits back to your community.
  • Images: While not necessary, images of your products, services, or even yourself can all help you connect with your audience. Importantly, make sure you only use professional photos for which you own the rights.
  • Social Media Icons: You can connect people to your business’s social media feeds with icons in both the navigation menu and footer of your website. These are a great tool for encouraging further engagement with your site visitors.
  • Chat Boxes: This feature allows people to chat with you or an employee, ask questions, take a quiz, or even add their details to a contact sheet. Having a chat box on your mission statement page can provide a great way to greet new visitors and encourage further engagement.
  • Pop-Up Windows: You can use pop-up windows to encourage visitors to subscribe to your services, sign up for a newsletter, or even complete a contact form to help you gather more information.

Adding these elements to your mission statement page will give you several tools to accurately measure your success while also improving your visitors’ experience. Use these key elements to help tell your story, thoughtfully engage with your target audience, and collect the data you need to measure your achievements.

Reviewing Successful Mission Statement Page Examples

Sometimes it’s helpful to simply see success in action. Here are six examples of engaging mission statement pages made using various website builders. We’ll provide at least one visual for each as well as a brief explanation of what makes them so effective.

Successful GoDaddy Mission Statement Page Example

How to make a mission statement page.

Autimely, an automotive startup that aims to streamline the car-buying experience, uses its homepage to successfully tell the story of its mission.

Its mission statement clearly expresses the goal of the business as well as how it plans to achieve that goal. Below its mission statement, the company then provides an in-depth look at the issue it aims to fix to emphasize why its mission is important.

How to make a mission statement page.

When visitors click on the “Learn More” CTA button beneath Autimely’s mission statement, a pop-up window opens and asks them to fill out a form to subscribe. This clearly indicates that one of the company’s goals is to encourage engagement with car dealerships. Autimely successfully uses several tools to not only support the goals of its mission statement, but also its business as a whole.

Get inspired to build your website with GoDaddy by checking out these other GoDaddy website examples.

Successful Wix Mission Statement Page Example

How to make a mission statement page.

Sustainable building materials company Hempitecture uses its “About” page to clearly express its mission statement. The mission statement appears at the top of this page with more details about the company and its locations further below.

Placing this statement at the top of the page summarizes everything a visitor may need to know to either continue reading or move to another page within this website. It’s both helpful and clear.

The company also provides a chat box feature on this page ready to answer visitors’ questions and a helpful “Call Us” CTA button in the navigation menu. These elements make it easy for visitors to access Hempitecture and demonstrate the company is ready to help, which can encourage further visitor interaction after they leave this page.

Get inspired to build your website with Wix by checking out these other Wix website examples.

Successful Shopify Mission Statement Page Example

How to make a mission statement page.

Beauty brand Giving Palette creates makeup palettes that correspond with partnered charities. While on the longer side, its mission statement page includes key details about who the brand is and why it does what it does. Having a longer statement helps this brand express its mission and core values while also providing more transparency about who it works with and why.

How to make a mission statement page.

The bottom half of Giving Palette’s mission statement page features a letter from the company’s founder.  With this personalized touch, visitors get a behind-the-scenes view of where the company started and where it’s going.

Including this letter will certainly help encourage visitors to follow through with the CTA buttons at the bottom of the page. By getting visitors to click on either the “Donate” or “Learn More” buttons, this mission statement page succeeds in driving further interaction from its target audience.

Get inspired to create your own Shopify online store and more by checking out these other Shopify website examples.

Successful WordPress Mission Statement Page Example

How to make a mission statement page.

The mother-daughter duo behind Mixtroz want to provide an alternative to traditional networking events. Using this “Vision” page as a mission statement page, Mixtroz still achieves the goals of stating what it offers and why.

This page also includes a chat box feature, encouraging visitor engagement and making the company readily accessible if they have any questions.

Mixtroz’s mission statement is successful in that it presents a problem and then quickly fixes it, proving why its services are necessary. It also clearly indicates that its mission is to provide authentic connection for its users. This statement is a great way to aid in achieving the goals of the overall business with just a few sentences.

Get inspired to build your website with WordPress by checking out these other WordPress website examples.

Successful Weebly Mission Statement Page Example

How to make a mission statement page.

The Historic US Route 20 Association encourages travel to communities along the original US Route 20 between Boston and Newport. Its mission statement page is simple, but still very engaging.

In three paragraphs, this association outlines its purpose and why it’s  important. It also touches on the educational opportunities and local community leadership involved in this project.

In addition, the association clearly states how it aims to achieve its goals. This not only provides transparency, but also a guide for how to interact with this association and the communities it wants to impact.

While this isn’t the flashiest example, it still clearly communicates the goals of the organization, how it aims to achieve them, and its hopes for the future.

Get inspired to build your website with Weebly by checking out these other Weebly website examples.

Successful Squarespace Mission Statement Page Example

How to make a mission statement page.

Illinois nonprofit Golden Apple aims to close the gap of unfilled teaching positions within the state as well as push for better positional pay by encouraging further education for teachers. The organization’s “Our Mission” page does several things well to help achieve this goal.

For example, the introductory paragraph explains what this nonprofit does and who it works with. This page also includes internal links to give visitors easy access to more information.

A CTA button that invites visitors to donate to this cause rounds out the top portion of this page. In fact, this page has several CTA buttons that urge visitors to donate — a clear indication that this is an overall goal for the site.

How to make a mission statement page.

This page ends with another CTA to provide financial support as well as one to subscribe to the nonprofit’s newsletter. This gives visitors an option to stay involved if they aren’t quite ready to donate. 

Golden Apple also includes its social media icons within the site’s footer, encouraging visitors to stay in the loop. That’s a strong way to end this mission statement page. 

Get inspired to build your website with Squarespace by checking out these other Squarespace website examples.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have the building blocks to begin creating a successful mission statement page for your business website, it’s time to find the right website builder. Read our Best Website Builder review to determine which platform will work best for you and your business. 

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Check out these other articles to learn more about how to create a successful business website and achieve your business goals:

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